Winget is a software manager that Microsoft integrated into its Windows operating system years ago. It is a command line utility that you can use to find, install, uninstall, or update many Windows applications.
Tip: there is WingetUI, which is a third-party application that adds a user interface to winget. Great if you prefer this over using the command line.
Using winget is simple, even if you are not used to using the command line. Still, there are a few tips and tricks that may make things a lot easier. I mention five in this guide.
Tip 1: Search is your friend

To install, uninstall, or update software, you need to know its name or ID. While you could try your luck, you may run into roadblocks quickly. Google Chrome’s name, for instance, is Google Chrome (EXE) and the application’s ID is Once you know that, it is easy peasy.
So, how do you get the names or IDs? You use the search parameter. Run winget search name to find applications.
Here is how this works:
- winget search name – returns any instance that contains “name”, e.g., winget search chrome returns any application with chrome in its name, tag or ID.
You can use partial names to find applications. To find any Firefox application, search for firefox and you get all different editions of the browser returned (plus any other app that has firefox in its name, id, or tag.
Tip 2: update everything

You can use winget to check if updates for installed programs are available. Even better, you can upgrade individual programs or all at once using a simple command.
Here is how this works:
- winget update – the command checks if upgrades are available for installed programs. Each program is listed with its name, installed version, and new version.
- winget update name – this command upgrades the program “name” only.
- winget update –all – this command updates all programs that have updates available.
Winget downloads the installer from the official website or repository (usually) before running the installer. Some apps may require prompts, but most installs happen silently in the background.
Tip 3: remove programs

You may use winget to uninstall individual programs from the system. It may be a faster and better option than using the Settings app or other build-in uninstall options.
Here is how this works:
- winget uninstall name – the command removes “name from the system. You can use the (case-sensitive) name or ID to uninstall a program from the system.
Tip 4: list programs

If you want a quick overview of programs on a Windows PC, you may use winget for that as well.
Here is how this works:
- winget list – the command lists programs on the system. Each program is listed with its name, version, and other information.
- winget list name – the command returns all matching applications.
Closing Words
Winget is an excellent tool. Especially the ability to quickly check for program updates and upgrade programs is noteworthy. Third-party programs filled the gap up until the creation of winget.
Now it is your turn. Have you used winget in the past? What is your take on the program? Useful or do you prefer other applications for the job? Feel free to leave a comment down below.
Thanks very much Martin for this news !
“WinGet will not be available until you have logged into Windows as a user for the first time, triggering Microsoft Store to register the Windows Package Manager ”
As somebody who uninstalled Microsoft store, Winget is not working for me. New version of WingetUI also does not work (previous one did). I tried to downgrade WingetUI, but the app auto upgrades itself despite checking the available option to disable the auto update.
A lot of programs have update check menu option. The programs that 100% dependent on Internet connection all have update check: browsers, VPNs, torrent clients, antivirus programs, chat apps.
For the rest of the programs you can use trial ad ridden version of Glary Utilities or CCleaner. Just install it and run update check subprogram. It will give you list of updates of all most popular programs/apps that installed on your computer with links to download websites. Update programs you want to update and uninstall Glary Utilities. Rinse and repeat every few months.