Windows 11 From Beginner to Advanced is my second Windows book. It is designed both as an introductory book for users new to Windows 11 and as a book for users who use Windows 11 already, but need help with some of the operating system’s features.
- Title: Windows 11 From Beginner to Advanced. Master Microsoft’s new operating system
- Status: published, last update April 2024
- Edition: 3rd edition
The third edition of the book is available on Amazon. You can purchase an ebook copy of the book or a paperback version.
Here are the links:
Overview of the book
The main idea behind the book was to create something that many new and existing Windows 11 users would find useful.
The book uses a tutorial-based approach, which makes it easy for users of all experience levels to manage the Windows 11 operating system and overcome any issues that they may face. Using this book, Windows 11 users may improve their productivity and resolve issues on their own that they run into.
You learn how to master Windows 11, by personalizing the operating system to your needs and making sure that everything is set up efficiently and correctly.
You will learn (among other things):
- How to customize the appearance of Windows 11 (taskbar, Start, Explorer, themes, colors, fonts and more)
- Use the Start Menu and Taskbar effectively. Pin your favorite programs for fast access.
- Learn to use File Explorer and Search efficiently. Find files quickly and configure search to be as effective as possible.
- Find out how to improve productivity and workflows.
- Use local accounts or Microsoft accounts. How to create accounts and manage them.
- Protect your privacy and improve security.
- Turn off advertisement and promotions.
- Protect your devices from viruses and scams.
- Using new Windows 11 features. All major new features explained.
- Troubleshoot Windows 11 and resolve issues without having to pay experts
- Learn how to set up a free backup solution. Create a backup of your important data and Windows 11.
- Use advanced features such as Linux, Android or Windows Sandbox. Useful features, not only for advanced users.