Super Microsoft Configuration is a new tool by “built by Bel”. It is an “advanced and fully automated alternative to the traditional MSConfig tool” according to the developer.
Key Details:
- It is designed specifically for Microsoft’s Windows 11 operating system.
- It checks the state of certain Windows features and settings to rate them as good or bad.
- Bad settings can be “fixed”.
The current version of the app has the title Super System Configuration. Whether that is going to be the new name or not is unclear. The developer has a habit of changing program names.
Using Super Microsoft Configuration
The program is portable and you may run it right after you have downloaded it from the GitHub repository.
Note: Windows SmartScreen may display a security warning. The reason for this is that it is a new program, not because it is malicious. A check on Virustotal returned a single false positive hit.
Hit the check button in the interface to run the scan. This should not take longer than a few seconds and you end up with a long log at the end.
The bad entries are shown in red. You can check “show only bad config” to hide the good settings to better focus on what the program considers bad.
While that helps, it is possible that you will still end up with dozens of entries. The main issue here is that each entry is listed in a single row. Since the information includes a description, Registry path, and other information, it is possible that you may need to scroll to read everything.
As far as what is considered beta is concerned, here are a few examples:
- Sending feedback and error reports.
- Radio access.
- Disabled Windows Defender Real-time Protection.
- Disabled User Account Control.
- Disabled Secure Boot.
At least two of the detected bad configurations were erroneous. User Account Control was enabled on the test system, for instance. The program returned no “current value” for the entry, which is why it detected it as bad.
You may double-click on an entry to display the details in a new window. This improves accessibility.

The window includes buttons to apply the fix or revert it. Here you may also copy the Registry value to search for it online.
It is necessary to go through them one by one, as you may not want to disable or enable features that might cause issues.
This makes Super System Configuration an advanced tool. The GitHub repository says as much as well.
The application is not that different from other tweaking tools, including some of the developer’s past and present offerings. The main difference is the scanning and that it reveals advanced information, such as Registry keys.
On the other hand, it is difficult to navigate and there is no distinction between disabling quick links on Microsoft Edge’s new tab page and enabling Secure Boot or disabling microphone access.
It is not something that inexperienced users may want to use. It lacks guidance and at least some kind of warning or classification for some of the tweaks.
Considering that the program is available as a preview, it is a good idea to monitor its development and wait for the final release. For now, it is an interesting rough application.
The kids use BT earbuds now and I imagine “Radio Access” would disable that.
As you said, each item returned needs an included explanation of what it does and what turning it on or off will effect.
As always, this is why I prefer WinaeroTweaker, it provides that information.
@ Tachy
You are right about WinAero Tweaker, but I did find a few things to disable:
Service TrkWKs “Distributed Link Tracking” (don’t use this)
Windows Network Data Usage Monitor (don’t need this)
Superfetch (sysMain) – (don’t need this on SSD)
Some elements in Edge
Thank you for the artikel Martin.
Is Recall mentioned anywhere?
It looks a good deal though considering it contains a load of MS Edge registry keys. I still haven’t been able to uninstall it by the way, possibly because as I understand it 23h2 in necessary to achieve that goal and I don’t want that.
Yes, Recall is mentioned.