With ads starting to appear in numerous places in Windows 11, users are trying to find ways to stop these on their devices.
Microsoft does not call these integrations ads most of the time. The company prefers terms such as promotions, experiences, or tips instead.
Recent integrations include ads for apps in the Start menu, advertisement on the Settings homepage, ads for Microsoft services like OneDrive in various sections, including when clicking on the profile icon in the Start menu or Explorer.
Users face several issues when it comes to these changes:
- Only some of the features can be disabled on non-managed devices.
- Settings are all over the place to make the changes.
OFGB (Oh Frick Go Back) — disable ads on Windows 11
The open source tool OFGB is a relatively new program for Windows 11 to disable ads and experiences.
The program has an easy to use interface. It displays the available options, most checked and applied automatically when it is run.
Here is the list of available preferences:
- Disable File Explorer Ads
- Disable Lock Screen Tips and Ads
- Disable Settings Ads
- Disable General Tips and Ads
- Disable “Welcome Experience” Ads
- Disable Personalized Ads
- Disable “Tailored Experiences”
- Disable Start Menu Ads.
Note: it may be necessary to run the application with elevated rights, especially if you sign in with a regular account and not an administrator account.
Second note: the program requires the .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime, which you can download here.
Closing words
The program is for users who prefer graphical user interfaces over Registry files. It is trivial to create a Registry file that makes the same changes. If you are interested, let me know and I will create it.
The program’s UI is bare bones. It has no apply or reset option, which the developer should consider adding to improve its user friendliness.
All in all though, it offers a quick option to disable ads on Windows 11 devices.
Now it is necessary to keep up with the changes that Microsoft introduces to release updates that reflect these changes. You can check out Winaero Tweaker as well, which offers similar tweaks and many more.
What is your take on ads in operating systems? Do you use tools or programs to disable them?
Shame you have to install a behemoth runtime to use this, otherwise it would be easy to recommend for non-techie users.
If any reg keys can do the same thing as any software fix, it would be nice if you supplied the reg keys. This would make it easier for some to implement.
Just saw that you can grab the Registry file from here already: https://www.elevenforum.com/t/disable-ads-in-windows-11.8004/
If you’re willing to create the registry files text that would be great Martin. I have Windows 11 Pro, so maybe there are settings in there which do the same thing.
There’s a Self-Contained version, too. Includes required runtime dependencies but is a much larger file (270MB).