Mozilla has used Adjust in Firefox for mobile products for years for a very specific purpose: to determine if the installation of the mobile browser originated from an advertising campaign.
In other words, Adjust helped Mozilla track conversions of its advertising campaigns. It also send anonymous usage summaries occasionally, according to Mozilla.
Starting in Firefox 129.0.2 for Android and iOS, Adjust appears no longer integrated in the Firefox browser.
When you check Settings > Data Collection after upgrading to the latest version, you will notice that the Adjust option is no longer listed.
The Marketing data option is no longer available. It allowed Firefox users to enable or disable the sharing of usage data with Mozilla.
Mozilla did not mention the removal in the official release notes. It is therefore unclear why it has been removed, if you just look at the changelog.
Bugzilla listings confirm that this has not been done in error. Bug 1913363, for example, confirms the removal of the “metric service” and the toggle in Firefox. (via Sören Hentzschel)
Closing words
The removal addresses a major issue that some users have with Firefox: that the browser’s defaults are not ideal for a browser that strives to protect the privacy of users.
With Adjust gone, there is one less thing to worry about in this regard.
Which browser do you use on your mobile devices? Why do you use that browser and not another? Feel free to leave a comment down below.